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Academic Advisory Board:


Shahla Haeri

Professor Emerita of Anthropology
Boston University

A former director of the Women’s Studies Program at Boston University, Shahla Haeri is one of the pioneers of Iranian Anthropology, and has produced cutting-edge ethnographies of Iran, Pakistan and the Muslim world. Her landmark books include her classic ethnography, Law of Desire: Temporary Marriage, Mut’a, in Iran (1989/2014) translated into Arabic and reprinted frequently, highlighting the tenacious but secretive custom of temporary marriage in Iran; No Shame for the Sun: Lives of Professional Pakistani Women (2002/2004), widens the ethnographic scope to make visible lives of educated and professional Muslim women. Her most recent book, The Unforgettable Queens of Islam: Succession, Authority, Gender (Cambridge University Press) is a groundbreaking book on the extraordinary lives and legacies of a few remarkable Muslim women sovereigns from across cultures and Islamic history. For further information about Prof. Haeri please see her academic webpage.

Houchang E. Chehabi

Professor of International Relations and History

Boston University

Houchang Chehabi has taught at Harvard and has been a visiting professor at the University of St. Andrews, UCLA, and the Universidad Argentina de la Empresa.  He has published two books, "Iranian Politics and Religious Modernism: The Liberation Movement of Iran under the Shah and Khomeini", (1990), and "Distant Relations: Iran and Lebanon in the Last 500 Years", (2006). He has also co-edited "Politics, Society, and Democracy: Comparative Studies", (1995); "Sultanistic Regimes", (1998); "Iran’s Constitutional Revolution: Popular Politics, Cultural Transformations, and Transnational Connections", (2010); and "Iran and the Challenges of the Twenty-First Century:  Essays in Honoour of Mohammad-Reza Djalili", (2013).

Pamela Karimi

Professor of Art Education, Art History and Media Studies
University of Massachusetts, Darthmouth

Pamela Karimi is an architect and an architectural historian. She earned her PhD from the History, Theory & Criticism of Art and Architecture Program at MIT in 2009. Her primary field of specialization is art, architecture, and visual culture of the modern Middle East. Her second area of research is design and sustainability in North America. Before joining the Art History faculty at UMass Dartmouth, Dr. Karimi taught at Brandeis University, NYU, Wellesley College, and Lawrenceville School.


The advisory board of The Iran Circle does not oversee the entirety of the produced content and each member only provides consultation in their own respective academic domains. Therefore, the advisory board is not responsible for the produced content.

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Amin Faizpour

Founder and President

After finishing his PhD at Boston University in 2017 and joining Harvard Medical School as a research fellow, Amin initiated the Iran Circle project with intellectual and operational support from local faculty and Iranian student associations. Amin received his previous degrees in engineering and science from Shiraz University and Tehran Polytechnic. In parallel with formal education and work (as research scientist), he has actively pursued his personal interest in humanities and social sciences, resulting in the formation and growth of this non-profit organization. 

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